Nearly 1,000 liters of chlorine spill into a Dordogne campsite

Near’a thousand liters of chlorinated water spilled at the Hauts de Ratebout campsite, in Sainte-Foy-de-Belvès this Wednesday, May 25 at the start of the afternoon, report the firefighters of the Dordogne. It was while unloading the tank from a truck that it fell and was punctured, the contents spilled over the parking lot of the campsite.

A campsite with several swimming pools

The Capfun group campsite, a four-star establishment, has several swimming pools, including a 200 square meter pool and slides. Firefighters intervened to contain the dispersion of the slick. Employees installed tape to delimit the area where the chlorine spilled, but according to an employee, the activity was able to continue during the day.

A forty families are currently renting pitches on the campsite. The Belvès gendarmerie also intervened on the scene.

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