near the Lebanese border, residents’ fear of Hezbollah attacks


Video duration:
3 mins

Israel: near the Lebanese border, residents’ fear of Hezbollah attacks

Israel: near the Lebanese border, residents’ fear of Hezbollah attacks – (FRANCEINFO)

Article written by

franceinfo – B. Mousset, C. Berbett-Justice

France Televisions

In northern Israel, near the border with Lebanon, rocket fire is increasing between fighters of the Hezbollah terrorist group and those of the Jewish state army.

There are those who chose to leave because the place where they lived became too dangerous, as one woman explains, interrupted by sirens and rocket fire. Before this new war, in northern Israel, in Shtula, 300 people lived in houses, which are now deserted. The town, located near the Lebanese border, is abandoned because it is within firing range of fighters from the Hezbollah terrorist group.

“We saw debris falling from the sky”

Very close to Shtula, the Israeli army has just responded to a Hezbollah rocket attack. “We saw debris falling from the sky, some even fell two streets from my house. It hit the school where I studied, it was very scary”, confides a resident of Kiryat Shmona (Israel). Despite the dangers, she chose to stay because she trusts her army. This is to better protect LIsraelis and respond to Hezbollah attacks that the IDF has deployed its armored vehicles in large numbers along the border with Lebanon.

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