NBA | LeBron James fined for obscene gesture

(New York) NBA superstar LeBron James was fined by the league on Friday following an obscene gesture earlier this week.

James will have to pay $ 15,000 for the gesture made last Wednesday in the Lakers’ 124-116 overtime victory over the Indiana Pacers.

The incident in question would have occurred after a basket made by James at the end of the game.

The NBA also served as a warning to the all-star player who allegedly used inappropriate language.

The day before, James had missed his team’s game in New York with a suspension for hitting Detroit Pistons center Isaiah Stewart in the face last Sunday.

The remarks alleged against James were made during his post-game interview last Wednesday. He used a vulgar term when describing his suspension served the day before.

Meanwhile, the NBA fined Robert Covington of the Portland Trail Blazers $ 15,000 for throwing his mask at a referee last Wednesday.

At the time of the incident, he received a technical foul and was ejected from the match. There were 49 seconds to go in the second quarter of the 125-121 lost game against the Kings in Sacramento.

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