Nawell Madani without filter on her sometimes complicated collaboration with her husband on the set of “Up to here everything is fine” in “Télématin”!

Six years after the release of her first film “C’est tout pour moi”, Nawell Madani signs her second fiction as a director in 2023. And with “So far everything is fine”, a mini-series now already available on the Netflix platform, the Belgian comedian strikes once again very hard. And for good reason, in this thriller that mixes both humor and suspense, the 39-year-old actress has surrounded herself with a cast of choice!

Kahina Carina, Walid Afkir or even Paola Locatelli, indeed give the reply to the sublime Nawell Madani that we also find in front of the camera. A shoot in which the 39-year-old mother also had to direct her husband, Djebril Zonga, who plays one of the main roles. A collaboration on which she returned to the set of “Télématin” this Wednesday, April 12, 2023.

At the question “how do you manage your husband”Nawell Madani indeed replied frankly: “ It’s very complicated because it allows things that others wouldn’t allow. He changes the text even before having tried the scene itself (laughs).

“And is it settled on the set or in the evening at home? », Thomas Sotto then wondered. “It gets fixed all the time. We bring the problems home.” said Nawell Madani who nevertheless insisted on the fact that her half had been a shoulder on which she could count during this long filming “But at the same time, he was the one who told me not to feel guilty when I left my daughter because there were times when I broke down of course, this shoot was long…”, she concluded. A beautiful pair.

See also: “It’s impossible to hear”: Brigitte Macron almost burst into tears in “Télématin”!

“I threatened him”

As a reminder, this is not the first time that Nawell Madani talks about her collaboration with her husband. On the set of “Daily” on April 6, the latter announced that she had encountered difficulties in convincing her husband to play the character of Oumar, a drug trafficker with a cruel reputation. “At first he said no. He tells it to himself“, launched the comedian. Before adding: He made Xavier Dolans. […] He went to the Oscars, etc. […] So we had to reread [le scénario], rework the character to give it nuance, etc. He ran off and then I threatened him […] And I said to him: Don’t worry, your character will snap his race. So, trust me, we’ll put you on top!” […] He put impossible pressure on us and he accepted two weeks before the shoot, can you imagine? », she confided to Yann Barthès.

“It’s very complicated because he allows himself things. There are times when I cracked” Nawell Madani had to direct her husband Djebril Didier Zonga on the set of his series #Telematin yAFlya9d7C — Telematin (@telematin) April 12, 2023


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