Nawell Madani filmed with her daughter Lou: surprising incident in the street, the furious comedian

How to react when one is famous and a fan allows himself to go too far? This is one of the questions that agitates celebrities and to which Nawell Madani had to answer this Wednesday! Came across an unscrupulous woman, the comedian tried to make it clear that not everything was allowed, especially not when it affects her granddaughter, Lou, born last October.

Walking around with her ten-month-old doll, Nawell Madani saw a woman filming her in secret. “I walk with my daughter, the weather is nice, I enjoy a little bit with her… And there, I notice a woman. Not a young girl, a woman, a daronne, busy filming my daughter. I burn it, I approach, I say ‘Hello, may I know what you are doing?’“, says the comedian, specifying that he was careful to go there”calm“.

But the woman does not understand the problem and even asks the comedian to make a video with her. No question for Nawell Madani who ends up understanding that the woman feels authorized to film her because she is “a public figure”. And when she pointed out to him that she can’t do that, especially with her daughter, the woman reacted very badly: “What are you going to do ?‘ she threatened her.

A reaction that really did not please the comedian who does not say how this whole story ended but who seemed really upset. Definitely, the tests are linked for her lately: a few days ago, she had to take the little girl to the emergency room for one night. A minor inconvenience for Lou… but a lot of fatigue for his mother, who had launched the humorous hashtag Daronnes en PLS with her subscribers!

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