Nawell Madani, eclipsed by her husband in “Marrakech of laughter”? Internet users only talk about the handsome Djebril Zonga

After having disappeared from the scene for a long time (during which she also became a mother), Nawell Madani has finally made her comeback… And not least, since it is in the “Marrakech of laughter” that the Belgian humorist presented a new show!

A sketch during which the 38-year-old woman confided in evoking her daughter, but also her marriage to Djebril Zonga

“My husband is a model and an actor. Yeah I don’t get pissed off… He and I are the same age, except I’m 10 years older than him. I think it’s because I’m stressed, I take care of everything, I think for two, “ she indeed let go during her show… So obviously, the M6 ​​cameras all turned to the one who makes her body beat… And surprise: viewers fell in love with this beautiful Apollo!

On Twitter, Internet users are indeed very numerous to have referred to half of the comedian… And one thing is certain, unlike this tenth edition of “Marrakech du rire”, the latter seems to have made the unanimity… The proof with these few tweets rather cash:

“What do I remember from Nawell Madani’s passage? Her husband ! “,” Nawell Madani’s husband is handsome eh “, “We are talking about Nawell Madani’s husband. New crush”, “Nawell Madani’s husband who watches his wife spoof him. The poor. PS: Handsome huh. Don’t lie to each other”, “So handsome Nawell’s husband, I’m shocked”can we read on the Web… Internet users who only had eyes for Djebril Zonga while the latter had his eyes riveted on his wife!

See also: “No sex …”, Elie Semoun reveals what Jamel Debbouze prohibits comedians who participate in “Marrakech of laughter” and why!

Lisa Z

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