Nawell Madani, “daronne in PLS”: her baby hospitalized during her vacation

This Sunday evening, July 31, comedian Nawell Madani gave her Instagram subscribers a scare by sharing a video of her walking through the hall of a hospital, while we hear an infant in the process to cry. “On vacation for 24 hours and here we are in the emergency room with baby Lou” she commented, enough to worry her fans, who were finally quickly reassured by the on the state of health of his daughter, born in September 2021 from his relationship with former footballer Djebril Didier Zonga.

Lou is fine thank God…”, she said the next day in another story. “But his daronne is no longer 20 years old! Another sleepless night and I’m in a wheelchair“, she added, posting a snapshot of her, collapsed with fatigue. More fear than harm in the end for the actress, probably relieved to know that her baby is in good health, but also very exhausted, as she indicated it in several stories, launching the #DaronneEnPLS in passing. “I’m a mom, I’m very proud. It’s a marvel, I live extraordinary moments. My daughter is a ray of sunshine. On the other hand, I don’t even know what I’ve become! I giggle nervously because I’m about to cry...”, she confided to her community.

A baby bump unveiled live

As a reminder, last September, the 38-year-old Belgian announced to the spectators of one of her performances in Paris that she was expecting a happy event. “I’m giving birth on Monday” she launched at the end of her show, lifting her sweater to reveal her baby bump. Since then, she has given birth to a little Lou Ezra, born of her relationship with former footballer Djebril Zonga.

And according to her stories from the day before as well as her state of fatigue, her first months as a mother were not easy, she who was surely planning to spend a vacation without a hitch in order to recharge the batteries. But it was without counting on this little alert, which, fortunately, did not turn into a tragedy. The hardest part is perhaps behind her. It is, in any case, all that we wish him!

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