National Rally MPs return to the Assembly

The leading party in France after the European elections but the third bloc in the Assembly after the legislative elections, the National Rally is also making its comeback on Wednesday, July 10 at the Palais Bourbon, with the aim of relaunching itself in view of the 2027 presidential election. Despite Sunday’s disappointment against a “republican front” that was more robust than expected, the Le Penist party and its allies should have 143 deputies, at least 123 of whom should sit in the RN group chaired by Marine Le Pen. Its elected representatives will arrive together from 9:30 a.m. Follow our live feed.

Edouard Philippe in favor of “a technical agreement” with Les Républicains. “Today, there is the New Popular Front, it has 182 deputies. But there is another bloc, in the centre, composed of Renaissance, MoDem, Horizons, and LR. Which is not a constituted bloc, I recognise, but which, if we take it as a whole, has 220 deputies, therefore more than the New Popular Front”developed theformer Prime Minister and president of Horizons on TF1.

LR claims Matignon to “put a stop to LFI”. “The government must be led by someone from the Republicans, so that there is a real change in the country,” insisted Xavier Bertrand on Tuesday, on the set of “L’Evenement” on France 2. According to the president of Hauts-de-France Bertrand, this solution would make it possible to “put a stop to LFI” who also claims Matignon. In an interview with Figarothe former leader of the right-wing deputies, Olivier Marleix, also believes that “President Macron should appoint a Prime Minister from the Republicans”.

The New Popular Front says it is ready to govern “tomorrow”In a joint statement, the four political parties of the NFP called on the President of the Republic, urging him to “immediately turn to the New Popular Front to allow it to form a government”. “From tomorrow, we are ready to govern our country to implement the program of the New Popular Front” And “excluding any unnatural coalition (…)”they add.

Olivier Faure “ready to assume” the role of Prime MinisterThis is what the first secretary of the Socialist Party said on Tuesday upon his arrival at the National Assembly, promising to find agreements that would avoid “go through 49.3”. A response to the activism of LFI and its leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon who is claiming the position for one of the members of his close guard.

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