National Rally MEP Nathaly Antona dies at the age of 49

The MEP appeared in twenty-fourth position on the list led by Jordan Bardella in the European elections.



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Nathaly Antona, then candidate for the legislative elections in the first constituency of Corse-du-Sud, on June 3, 2022 on the France 3 ViaStella set.  (FRANCE 3 VIASTELLA)

National Rally MEP Nathaly Antona, elected on Sunday June 9 to the Strasbourg Parliament, died on Tuesday June 18, announced party president Jordan Bardella.

Aged 49, this RN executive in Corsica appeared in twenty-fourth position on the list led by Jordan Bardella in the European elections. With 31.4% of the votes collected, the political party sent 30 MEPs to Strasbourg.

“The National Rally is in mourning and joins in the pain of its family and loved ones, and sends its warmest thoughts to those who worked alongside it”, writes the president of the RN in his press release. André Rougé, a former RN MEP who appeared in thirty-first position on Jordan Bardella’s list, must replace Nathaly Antona in the RN delegation to the European Parliament.

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