National rally: Marine Le Pen’s party bets on a new strategy



Article written by

C. Motte, L. Seux, S. Giaume, – France 3

France Televisions

In the legislative elections of June 2022, the National Rally made a real breakthrough with 89 deputies elected. Marine Le Pen’s movement wants to establish itself as a real opposition force to the presidential majority.

This is one of the lessons of the legislative elections in June: the National Rally made a historic breakthrough by installing 89 deputies in the hemicycle. A few weeks after his election, the deputy RN Philip ballard returns to his land. He is praised by the locals. “We are going to work, we are going to be serious, we are going to provide texts, legislative proposals, we are going to make amendments”announces the deputy, setting the objectives of his party.

With Marine Le Pen in the lead, the 89 deputies caused a sensation on the steps of the Palais Bourbon. The National Rally group wants to be serious and wants to work in the interest of the French. We’re not here to blow up institutions unlike other groups“, says one of the relatives of the former presidential candidate. “We do not wish to be an opposition of obstruction, but of proposal”expresses loud and clear Marine Le Pen in front of the hemicycle. The presence of this large number of Members RN worries the presidential majority.

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