National funeral of Jean-Pierre Ferland | Yellow and emotion for the last farewell to the Little King

(Montreal) Sun, yellow, emotion, music, words: there was everything needed on this beautiful Saturday in June to offer Jean-Pierre Ferland a final, dignified and above all full farewell. of life, in his image.

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The national funeral held by the Quebec government to pay tribute to the singer-songwriter who died on April 27 at the age of 89 took place at the Marie-Reine-du-Monde cathedral basilica at 11 a.m. From 9 a.m., guests began to enter the interior, and for almost two hours long-time friends, politicians, artists who collaborated with him or who were influenced by his music paraded through the square. .


Julie Anne Saumur, the partner of Jean-Pierre Ferland

What did they have in common, besides the fact that several wore a touch of yellow? Great admiration, and the desire to bear witness to the importance of Jean-Pierre Ferland in their lives and in the history of Quebec.

By 11 a.m., all the seats in the immense basilica were occupied. When the urn arrives to the sound of his song I’m coming back homeperformed by a string quartet, the emotion was palpable on the faces of Jean-Pierre Ferland’s family, who followed slowly.

“A giant has left us. A genius of words and music, who marked the lives of Quebecers,” underlined Quebec Prime Minister François Legault, in a sober speech where his admiration for the singer was obvious.

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