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Thursday, June 2, the President of the Republic went to Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhone). It was his first outing with the Minister of National Education, Pape Ndiaye.
A remarkable visit to a bastion of La France Insoumise. This is how we could summarize the release of Emmanuel Macron in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), Thursday, June 2. The president aims to win over the electorate mélenchoniste before the eelections Ilegislative. In Marseilles, the inhabitants had voted en masse for the candidate of France Insoumise in the first round of the presidential election. To help him in this task, the Minister of National Education Pape Ndiaye, who has the sensitivity of a man on the left, accompanied the president.
Pope Ndiaye will unveil several objectives today, with a speech that should outline one of the priorities of this new mandate, namely education. The Minister “is going to express himself on his vision of education, for the first time on his style and this will be particularly scrutinized, because the school is one of the priorities of this second five-year term”explains journalist Christophe Gascard. The project for the school of the future should also be specified.