National Chief of Assembly of First Nations suspended

Assembly of First Nations National Chief RoseAnne Archibald is suspended from her duties due to a “public statement that breached her obligations” to the AFN.

Posted at 8:37 p.m.
Updated at 8:56 p.m.

The AFN National Executive Committee and Board of Directors affirmed Friday, indicating that she has been suspended immediately with pay pending the outcome of an ongoing investigation into four complaints filed against her. .

Both bodies voted to suspend Archibald, a decision “motivated by his public statement” on Thursday, which they say violated his oath of office, the organization’s code of conduct and the AFN’s whistleblower policy.

The national chief will be suspended until the executive committee reviews an investigation report and makes a final decision on her status.

She has been ordered not to publicly discuss the ongoing investigation and is barred from attending the Annual General Meeting and Assembly of Chiefs in early July, reads the statement on the site. of the APN.

“It is unfortunate that we had to take this drastic action, but we had no other choice,” said Regional Chief Paul Prosper, an AFN spokesperson.

“The National Chief has committed serious breaches of her obligations to the AFN by publicly attacking, without basis or evidence, the integrity of our organization and our employees, which will only serve to undermine the excellent work we do as we continue to serve our First Nations communities,” he added.

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