National Caregiver Day, 1 in 4 workers will be a “caregiver” in 2030

There are 8 to 11 million caregivers (non-professional) of an elderly person, with a disability or suffering from a chronic illness in France. 61% of them work.

The OCIRP, the Union of provident organisations, governed by the Social Security Code, work for the protection of families, and publishes on October 6th (Day of caregivers) its second study on caregivers in companies.

Today, caregivers represent 15% of the working population (INSEE). 1 in 4 workers will be a caregiver in 2030.

According to the study,“These active caregivers are faced with difficulties in reconciling their personal and professional lives. Their health, their quality of life at work and their performance (productivity, absenteeism, presenteeism) can be affected”.

“The situation of those who help and work is emerging as a social issue and constitutes a growing concern for public authorities and the world of work, given the demographic transition we are experiencing: the number of people losing their autonomy will double between 2013 and 2060”, according to INED and DREES.

How can companies and professional branches better help caring employees?

“It is to contribute to this reflection that the OCIRP, a union of provident institutions with joint management, launched the OCIRP Observatory for Employee Caregivers, and conducted in 2021 a first study with Vivavoice entitled: ‘Helping employees and social dialogue. This survey showed that the support of the company and the professional branch, perceived by the helping employee, is decisive for his well-being at work.

The study also emphasizes the expectations of caregivers: “Flexibility of working time, (arrangement of schedules, intermittent leave, to manage an unforeseen event, respite solutions to have time for oneself), greater financial resources and better paid caregiver leave, better information on the rights and arrangements offered”. All of this data is shared by HRDs, social partners and associations...

The OCIRP has also set up the caregivers booklet and also the 2021 study, still on employee caregivers.

Helping employees: how to help them?

On October 6, 2022, during National Caregivers Day, you can register on this platform, and follow the debates live from the Maison de la Radio et de la Musique. These debates will also be available later.

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