National 3: one week after the floods, derby day between Bayonne and Anglet

We had to wait another week, because of the bad weather. This Saturday, December 18 is a derby day. Not in rugby but for the round ball. Aviron Bayonnais Football (5th, 17 points) receives the Genêts d’Anglet (6th, 16 pts) on the lawn of the Didier Deschamps stadium (6 p.m.). A late match of the 12th day of National 3, postponed last week because of the bad weather that swept through the Basque Country. Before this shock, the coaches of the two teams, Laurent Dauriac for Rowing and Cédric Pardeilhan for Les Genêts, mentioned this match.

The rivalry between the clubs

Cédric Pardeilhan, coach of Genêts: “There is a rivalry, seven kilometers between the two stadiums, we are in the same championship and we hope each time to finish in front of the other, whether we like it or not. Even if it is not negative, qu ‘there is no war, no animosity between the two clubs, for any team and in any sport, when you have the chance to play against a city that is nearby, you want to beat it. It necessarily motivates the players and I don’t need to add any to this match. When they find out the schedule at the start of the season, they first look at the dates of the home and away matches against Bayonne. “

Laurent Dauriac, Rowing coach: “We know that something is going on in this match, it’s a real derby. Now, in our preparation, we made sure to only take care of ourselves, to think only of our principles, our game. We did not talk about the opponent and this rivalry at all. Maybe we will approach it at the last moment to prepare for the last moments of the match, in the locker room, but for the moment we prefer to stay away from it. On the other hand, it is good that the match was postponed last week because the weather conditions did not allow to play and to welcome the public. I hope that, just before the holidays, people will come to see this derby. Respond present. Because it is true that the support of the public can generate behaviors that are different from a classic match, like carrying a whole group. “

The opportunity to get closer to the podium

Laurent Dauriac: “We don’t necessarily swear by the podium. We try to respect the schedule that we had fixed on the accounting plan to obtain the maintenance and for the moment we are in the nails. It is true that with a victory against Anglet, we would therefore be beyond our objectives, which would be very interesting to approach the second part of the season. With more serenity and confidence in our work. We took a long time to install our playing principles, to gain confidence and efficiency. It hasn’t always paid off, especially against Libourne (lost 1-2 at Deschamps on November 27), but it is true that we score more and more. Tactically, honestly in a derby, no matter how much we prepare for things on one side or the other, we don’t know how it’s going to turn out. There is always an element of the unforeseen and this is also what makes these meetings so spicy. The match can turn on a simple detail, a mistake, a simple set piece, etc. Therefore, we did not change our habits to prepare for this match. “

Cedric Pardeilhan: “Bayonne is one point ahead of us, but they have one game more than us (eleven against ten for the Angloys). If we can take the three points, we would pass them with a game delay that we would play in February (the 5th, with the reception of Chauvigny). It would be a very good balance sheet without being halfway through the championship. So, yes there is a lot at stake in this derby. But the main thing for us is totry to be in the continuity of our performances since the last seven matches(for five wins and two losses) with truly successful services, not always rewarded of course, but we must keep this desire to continue in the effort, in the investment and the right attitudes. All of this constantly. “

► Aviron Bayonnais Football – Genêts d’Anglet, 12th day of N3, Saturday 18 December (6 p.m.)

N3 ranking

The ranking of N3 on 12/17/21

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