Nathan Paulin broke a new record at Mont-Saint-Michel



Article written by

M.Subra-Gomez, G.Messina, T.Paulin – France 2

France Televisions

The tightrope walker Nathan Paulin has set himself a new challenge: to reach Mont-Saint-Michel by performing a 2.2 km journey balanced on a rope. He gave himself three days to do so. He fell just a few meters from the finish during his first attempt on Tuesday May 24, but still broke the world record.

At 110 m above the ground, Nathan Paulin, an extreme tightrope walker, set himself the crazy challenge of balancing Mont-Saint-Michel (Manche) on a wire. Behind the feat, the organization is meticulous. Early in the morning of Tuesday May 24, the team deployed 2.2 km of straps, between the bell room of the Mont-Saint-Michel abbey and a mobile crane, on the other side of the bay.

With engineers and architects from the monuments of France, Nathan Paulin has been preparing his challenge for a year and a half. “I’ve been training, I’ve spent hours back and forth on a 300m strap at home, I’ve walked 2.5km straight, so normally I’m sharp, in theory it should be fine happen “confided the slackline world record holder before starting.

This is not Nathan Paulin’s first attempt: before Mont-Saint-Michel, the air walker has already climbed the Eiffel Tower (Paris), Pain de Sucre in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and Mont -White. After breaking the world record in the afternoon, he let himself go shortly before the finish. He will attempt the crossing again on Wednesday 25.

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