Nathalie Renoux as a couple: her husband and father of her children… is her boss!

For more than ten years, Nathalie Renoux invites itself into the daily life of the French with 19:45 and the 12:45. An exercise that will have brought him many things, including love. Indeed, it is behind the scenes of the M6 ​​channel that the journalist met the man of her life. It is a certain Matthew Neau, who is none other than the editor of the weekend newspapers. A position he has occupied for more than ten years, as his account indicates. LinkedIn. The social platform also informs that he was in the past chief editor and head of information at TV Team from 1998 to 2005. He joined M6 in 2006.

Difficult, however, to know more about the circumstances of his meeting with Nathalie Renoux. On the other hand, the pretty brunette of 51 years has already made it known that working with her companion, who later became her husband, has not always been easy. Especially with regard to their two children, Manuel and Juan. “When my editor-in-chief left, my husband replaced her temporarily. Both of us working on weekends posed a question to us: how could we leave our two boys? We had to reorganize our family life“, she confided in 2013 in the pages of Parisian. Nevertheless, she assured that they had managed to find “a good balance“: the weekend the parents work but at the beginning of the week the whole family is together.

Nathalie Renoux and Matthieu Neau are the adoptive parents of their two children, born in Colombia and aged 19 and 13. During an interview for TV Star published in 2015, she confided in this procedure which changed her life. “I adopted two children in Colombia, Manuel, in 2003, in Montería and Juan, in 2009, in Bogotá. These are also the first names that they bore and that we found very beautiful. (…) With my husband, Matthieu, we couldn’t have biological children and we turned to adoption. He was ready before me. Then, one day, I read a testimony in the written press where a journalist told her story. It was the trigger. I then understood that I had to go towards this by guessing that this choice would lead to something concrete and happy. And, indeed, two children have arrived in our home“, she declared.

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