Nathalie Marquay gives her clear-cut opinion!

The end of the year could not have gone better for Karine Le Marchand. The reason ? The one who hosts “Love is in the meadow” has just won the title of favorite host of the French according to the survey TVMagazine/Opinion Way. A consecration for the latter who wanted to thank the viewers of the sixth channel via an Instagram post this Thursday, December 29, 2022.

“You, whom I don’t know, you who laugh and cry with me on your couch, who approach me in the street, and who quite simply feel close to who I am, I want to say a huge thank you. Because these testimonies of tenderness, recognition and love are essential when everything is rocking. And I hope to bring you joy and well-being in my turn, when you are not well in front of your screen”, a-she writes.

And to add: “take you on board my projects, and you are always there, as if to say “ok we’re going with you”. What happiness! What confidence! I hope never to disappoint you. I wish you to bury this horrible year soon, and I form the wish for 2023 that kindness, love and joy are a goal to reach all together. I embrace you tenderly “.

Nathalie Marquay gives her opinion

A publication that many Internet users have commented on to congratulate Karine Le Marchand… And among these comments, each more positive than the other, that of her friend Nathalie Marquay. “Oh for me it’s been a long time since you are my number 1”, she wrote. A beautiful declaration of friendship!

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