Nathalie (Love is in the meadow) clashe Karine Le Marchand: she cannot digest what happened

“You have to take some kindness lessons too. You talk freaking out. We can’t say everything, we’re not 5-year-olds“, Karine Le Marchand had launched to Nathalie, a calf breeder under the 50-year-old mother of Love is in the meadow 2021. The host added: “Maybe you need to do some repair work [Nathalie avait raconté avoir été “battue depuis toujours” par un ex, ndlr] before you meet someone. You cannot make men pay for what you have suffered. I know you’re not mean, but you’re not ready.“Words that the breeder has never digested. At present, an association supports her and this is not to displease her.

Friday December 31, 2021, on Instagram, Nathalie posted a photo of a message from the Brisons le silence Osons association. “We do not agree with Karine concerning Nathalie. Nathalie is a very beautiful person, a fighter (…) and a former victim like us. We cannot accept being taught lessons without knowing what a victim is. (…) When we have known suffering, it is difficult to regain confidence. (…) Nathalie, we associations of former victims, we are there for you. You are wonderful and we love you. (…) don’t change anything you’re remarkable“, it was written. A way for those who only like the color pink to respond, indirectly, once again to Karine Le Marchand. In comment, Nathalie said that this message touched her deeply, like the marks of support that she receives from the anonymous. Then, she concludes with an unequivocal sentence: “Being yourself is very important“.

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