Nathalie Bondil approached to head the National Gallery of Canada

After leaving the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) in controversy two years ago, Nathalie Bondil is now expected to take the helm of the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa. A candidacy that is busy promoting very influential people in the industry, despite the allegations of a toxic work environment that had caused a lot of ink to flow at the time.

According to information obtained by The duty, the patron France Chrétien-Desmarais is particularly active in private to ensure that Nathalie Bondil takes the head of the federal institution. Wife of businessman André Desmarais, daughter of former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, Mme Chrétien-Desmarais is one of those who have always defended Nathalie Bondil tooth and nail, even after her dismissal from the MMFA in the summer of 2020.

Joined from Paris, where she has headed the museum and exhibitions department of the Arab World Institute (IMA) since leaving Montreal, the main interested party denied wanting to return to the country to take over the general management of the Museum of Fine Arts. from Canada. “I am engaged in the redesign of the new IMA museum, among other things,” said Bondil in a brief email.

Those close to Nathalie Bondil are however convinced that in fact, the position of Director General of the National Gallery of Canada could interest her. Behind the scenes, it is said that if she ever changes her mind, the French-born can not only count on the support of France Chrétien-Desmarais, but also on that of the philanthropists Michael J. Audain and Pierre Lassonde, two heavyweights in the museum environment in the country.

Family affair, toxic climate

Nathalie Bondil continues to enjoy an important capital of sympathy with part of the world of visual arts. For many, she remains the one who made the MMFA a museum of international stature.

However, her reign ended in a fish tail, when she was abruptly dismissed by her board of directors in July 2020. The board of directors had as proof a devastating report on the working climate within the museum.

Nathalie Bondil rather claimed to have been dismissed on false grounds. For her, his dismissal had everything to do with his reluctance to hire Mary-Dailey Desmarais as the museum’s chief curator, a title that Until then, Bondil combined with her function as general manager. Nathalie Bondil believed that Mme Desmarais was not the most competent for this position. The same Mary-Dailey Desmarais is the daughter-in-law of Paul Desmarais Jr and Hélène Desmarais. The Desmarais family is very influential within the MMFA, but Mme Bondil was especially close to only part of the camp, mainly to France Chrétien-Desmarais.

The ideal candidate?

Following her departure, Nathalie Bondil sued the board members for two million dollars in damages. The case ended last January with an amicable settlement, which sets the stage for a candidacy for the management of the National Gallery of Canada, believe those close to him.

“It would give the museum a scale, an audacity, a vision”, advances one of these people, who recognizes however that the allegations of toxic climate risk complicating his return to the country.

Especially since according to our information, the working climate at the National Gallery of Canada is also difficult. Chief Executive Sasha Suda, whose decolonialist approach did not sit well with everyone, resigned last June to lead the Philadelphia Museum of Art in the United States. The process to find his replacement should be launched shortly, the heritage ministry said.

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