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Nathalie Arthaud is in the running for the Elysée for Lutte Ouvrière. Beyond the meetings, as in Bordeaux on Friday March 18, the candidate goes to meet voters at public meetings. Report.
Nathalie Arthaud, candidate (Lutte Ouvrière) in the presidential election of 2022, was Friday March 18 in Bordeaux (Gironde). For her third campaign, the candidate seems well established. The one who has been campaigning for the Lutte Ouvrière since she was 18 has kept the fundamentals: general increase in wages, reduction in working hours, retirement at 60, and defense of the working class.
For her, like all the other candidates, the speeches this year must include the war in Ukraine. Beyond the human drama on the battlefield, Nathalie Arthaud also fears the consequences for French employees. “Whoever the elected president is, he will make us pay for this war, she predicted. (…) Efforts ok, but ask the big bourgeoisie, ask the current leaders.“Activists are behind her.”It’s for the workers’ struggle, especially the future of young people“, says one of them.