NASA offers the public to go around the Moon by writing the names of passengers on a hard disk placed in orbit

The American space agency is giving everyone the opportunity to put their name on a hard drive that will revolve around our natural satellite during the first part of the Artemis mission, which should eventually send men and women to the moon.

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Propel your name more than 384,000 km above our heads for a flyby of the Moon. This is what NASA offers to the public. The Artemis mission, led by the American space agency, plans to send women and men into orbit around the Moon and on its surface. The first part of this mission must be launched in June despite a further postponement of the general take-off rehearsal, announced on Wednesday April 6.

For this first part, called Artemis I, the flight will be uninhabited. But NASA gives everyone the opportunity to write their name on a hard drive that will be on board the Orion capsule which will be propelled to the Moon, where it will be placed in orbit before returning to Earth. All you have to do is go to the Artemis mission site (in English), to reference their first name, last name, then a code comprising 4 to 7 digits. Once the process has been completed, a symbolic boarding pass is generated. It mentions in particular the identity entered, “Artemis I”, the launch site (the Kennedy Space Center in Florida), the destination site (lunar orbit), the machine used for take-off (the new giant rocket from the Nasa, nicknamed SLS) and the capsule (Orion).

The Artemis I mission should be followed by the Artemis II and Artemis III missions. The second part will include a manned test flight without landing on the moon. During the third part, which should not take place before 2025 according to the most optimistic estimates, the first woman and the first person of color should set foot on lunar soil, at the South Pole of our satellite. The last time man walked on the surface of the Moon was in 1972, during the Apollo 17 mission.

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