Naomi Osaka back on top: has the tennis player found the miracle solution?

The mental health of athletes continues to be a real taboo in the world of sport even though people are starting to speak out about it. In a sport as individualistic as tennis, the mind is essential and great champions like Rafael Nadal or Novak Djokovic would certainly not have had such results without an iron will and a tough mind. Conversely, several great champions may have suffered from problems and Naomi Osaka is the perfect example. Ultra talented, the 24-year-old tennis player has experienced several extra-sporting problems that have impacted her career.

If she has already won 4 Grand Slam tournaments, the American-Japanese had to give up Roland-Garros last year due to her mental health. Obviously, things have changed a lot lately. Present at the WTA tour in Miami, she won her first match easily (6-3, 6-4) displaying a smile and a joy of living that we had not seen for a long time, and there is a reason for that, as she explained after the match in a press conference. The player revealed to have “started working with a therapist” lately, which could explain this change of mindset.

I am very happy to have around me people who encouraged me to go in this direction.

Going from first to 77th place in the world, Naomi Osaka seems to have stopped the bleeding by finding help from a specialist. After a new rather sad episode during the Indian Wells tournament where she burst into tears after insults from a spectator, the young woman therefore seems to have found the solution thanks to the advice of her sister, as she explained in press conference. The one we expected as the worthy heiress of Serena Williams explained that her therapist told her “talked about strategies and a whole bunch of stuff like breathe deeply, reset the counters when necessary”. “I’m starting to realize how much all this can help me. I’m very happy to have people around me who have encouraged me to go in this direction”she explains.

Naomi Osaka therefore seems to have found the help she needed to go in the right direction and regain the heights of tennis. In any case, it is all the harm we wish him!

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