Nantes people with disabilities make a video to meet Grand Corps Malade



France 3 Pays de la Loire

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Nantes University Hospital and uThe association of the hospital center produced a video clip with the patients in the hope of calling on and meeting the artist Grand Corps Malade. On the track “Not essential”, the participants highlight the rehabilitation center. An idea from several caregivers in charge of organizing the daily lives of disabled patients. #IlsOntLaSolution.

Meet Grand Corps Malade and get people with disabilities away from their daily lives, this is the promise that the Nantes University Hospital and the Association for Research and Animation for Integration into Disability (APRAIH) wish to keep . Thanks to the production of a video clip on the title “Pas Essentiel”, the association and the participants of the clip want to challenge the singer in order to be able to share a moment of conviviality.

Most of these people have suffered serious accidents rendering them disabled. So to occupy them outside of the rehabilitation sessions, APRAIH motivated the medical staff of the Nantes hospital center as well as a dozen of these patients and their families to play the game. Because with the health crisis, the hospital did not could organize no entertainment. “It allows us to live, to forget our worries. We are all focused on the project. We are waiting. We look at the number of views. We learn that the media are interested in the initiative. This allows us to to no longer worry about the hours of treatment or the accidents that we have had. We only think of the joy that it brings us “, says Yannick, patient of the Nantes University Hospital.

The idea of ​​the arrival of Grand Corps Malade arose on the occasion of the release of his latest album. To attract the attention of the artist, the association decided to shoot a clip on one of his songs. Since the making of the video, everyone has been hoping for the visit of the slammer. “He’s been in the same boat as us. And I think it can only touch him.”, details Yannick.


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