Nancy prepares the Saint-Nicolas celebrations

Saint-Nicolas will still distribute sweets during the big parade in the center of Nancy on Saturday evening December 3. But this year, the town hall had to deal with the constraints on the price of energy, while guaranteeing that the festivities will remain the same, with several new features to note, from this Friday evening, with theopening of 7 of the 8 villages of Saint-Nicolas, and until next January 3.

Consumption to watch

This is undoubtedly THE point most watched by the municipality. Due to the price of energy, the illuminations, all in LED, will turn off every evening at 10 p.m., with the exception of the opening weekend and the big weekend of December 3 and 4, which draws a total of 200,000 people to Nancy. In addition, they will no longer light up in the mornings between 5:30 and 8:30.

The videomapping scheduled every evening on Place Stanislas will also be impacted. Three broadcasts per evening on weekends, there will only be two. Same consequence during the week when we will go from two broadcasts to one.

In addition, the ice rink at Place Simone Veil in Nancy will change its face. The ice skaters will no longer evolve on icebut on a teflon track, on which you will have to slide a thin surface of water.

A modified route for the parade

Saint-Nicolas and Père Fouettard will therefore have 1.6 kilometers to cover during the grand parade in the city center on Saturday 3 December. If you used to be one of the 75,000 to 100,000 people admiring the show on the side of the road, be aware that the route will be slightly modified. “There were sometimes 7-8 rows and the people behind couldn’t see everything, so the course had to be smoothed out to spread out the audience“, explains Bertrand Masson, assistant to the culture at the town hall. Consequently, there will be for example a detour by the Place Dombasle, and no passage by the street of the currency, too narrow.

The return of sweets!

This is news that will make a lot of people happy! During this parade, Saint-Nicolas will find his famous sweets for the crowd, discarded for health reasons since the Covid. In total, 4 tons of sweets will be distributed to spectators.

Theme of “glass and light”

Nancy has been a land of glass for more than a century“, reminds Bertrand Masson, and for good reason. This year, the villages, the tree and even the streets, will address the theme of glass and light. This is also the theme celebrated by the UN this year. glassmakers have spent more than 120 hours making 5 giant chandeliers which will be installed in 5 districts of the city.

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