Nancy Pelosi in Taiwan: Betraying US Commitments

Despite strong opposition from the Chinese people and unfavorable advice from political and academic circles in the United States and other countries, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan on 2 august. This trip undoubtedly constitutes a flagrant interference in Chinese internal affairs. China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity have been violated by the US side, which again betrays its commitments on the Taiwan question.

In 1971, resolution 2758 of the General Assembly of the United Nations decided on the restoration of the People’s Republic of China in all its rights and the recognition of the representatives of its government as the only legitimate representatives of China. It also decides on the immediate expulsion of the representatives of Chiang Kai-shek from the seat which they illegally occupy at the United Nations Organization and in all the bodies attached to it. This consensus has since been respected by the international community. So far, 181 countries recognize that there is only one China and that Taiwan is an integral part of China.

The three China-US joint communiques constitute a political commitment of both sides, and the one-China principle is the political foundation of China-US relations. The United States recognizes the government of the People’s Republic of China as the only lawful government in China, and in this context, the people of the United States maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan. . All of this is written in black on white.

hypocritical promise

Nevertheless, for geopolitical purposes, the US side is notorious for its poor record of inconsistency between words and deeds. Take the example of the one-China principle and the three Sino-American joint communiqués.

During his phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping on July 28, US President Joe Biden reaffirmed that the US one-China policy has not changed and will not change, and that the United States did not support Taiwanese independence.

What a strange scenario! Some in the United States have repeatedly reaffirmed the country’s adherence to the one-China principle, while letting one of its most prominent political figures lead a delegation on a US military plane to Taiwan. Isn’t this a matter of infidelity to their given word?

In a world stricken by so many crises of different forms, a responsible country should work with the international community to solve problems that undermine global peace and security instead of stirring up trouble. However, some in the United States claim to be committed to peace, while constantly provoking China and disrupting security and peace in the Taiwan Strait. They are the ones who have escalated the tension in the Taiwan Strait and posed serious challenges to regional and global peace and security.

On the issue of Taiwan, the position of the Chinese government and people is unwavering, and the determination to uphold China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity is always firm. Those who play with fire will eventually get burned. We hope the US side can match its words with deeds.

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