“Nameless efforts”: Rare confidences of Carla Bruni on her physique and her perfect figure

Fashion remains a family: I love designers, girls, hairdressers and make-up artists…“, she explains, while her son Aurélien has also just launched himself into this world by parading for Versace. A small job which allows him to meet people more than to build his career, as she had confided. recently, but which reminds him of his beginnings in modeling.

Complexed by her large size during her adolescence, Carla Bruni took a long time to understand what the power of her beauty would be. “For a long time I was ungrateful, straight and thin, I had the feeling of being invisible. I am became a young girl late, at 17. Suddenly, I had a body and I could see that people looked at me differently at the beach. What did I feel then? The pleasure of seduction“, she reveals, explaining that she prefers “grace and charm“to the beauty but that she loves”to please, to seduce, without sexual objective, to please people“.

Today, the former French “First Lady”, who confides in the interview to have spent “five fantastic years at the Elysée with an extraordinary man” focuses on her children. While her son makes her proud by following in her footsteps (as Kaia Gerber or Mingus Reedus, other children of supermodels, have done), she is also very careful of her princess Giulia, 10 years, to whom she tries to set an example.

I believe more in example than in transmission. If we behave well, we should normally have children who behave well. […] I’m a mother hen but I don’t want to control my two children, even if I couldn’t stand them being disagreeable or haughty. […] I am as present as I can be. I’m here to accompany them and make them stronger“, she concludes, realistic and touching.

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