Nagui shocked by the behavior of a candidate of Don’t forget the lyrics!

Tuesday, December 21, Nagui took over the animation Do not forget the lyrics on France 2. And this new episode was marked by the rather inappropriate attitude of a candidate.

Indeed, Alexandre was facing Maestro Manon with the firm intention of beating her. However, when he sang Gérard Lenorman’s The Happy People’s Walk, his eyes were lost in Manon’s cleavage. “Oh the vicious one”, launched the host during the participant’s interpretation. “He tried to …”, dropped the pretty brunette. “It’s crazy … However, I have seen candidates who shocked me but there … It’s shameful!”, took over the husband of Melanie Page. “Besides, he leaned over”, continued the young woman. “Ah yes yes (…) she is so shocked, too, that she closes her jacket”. Caught hand in the bag or rather the eyes of his opponent’s chest, the one who works in insurance tried to react to these accusations. “It was not voluntary but I found that our voices matched extremely well”, he defended himself. Not enough to convince the producer who added a layer. “It’s monstrous” !

Nagui, the executioner of hearts

Journalist René Chiche unveiled the book Nagui, a TV child. A book in which he evoked the Don Juan side of the star of France 2. If the latter considered that “TV did not make it beautiful”, on the other hand, she returned it “charming” as he indicated to Paris Match in 2016. “I fell for the trap. I used this charm to multiply the dredges and the conquests”.

But when it came to seducing, the one who has shared his life for several years, the task was very difficult. “She kept me hanging around for months.”

How did he get there? “He called me every day for two months! Every day! And I was like: ‘Okay ok, maybe we will see what can happen'”, the beautiful australian revealed on the show I love you Etc …

And it paid off!

See also: “What? Do you have a problem?”, Nagui gets angry with a candidate in ‘Don’t forget the lyrics’ and creates unease on the set


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