Nagui on the departure, the “date” of his retirement mentioned …

40 years of career and still a crazy energy. At 60, Nagui does not seem to be tired, quite the contrary. Although he gave way to Laurence Boccolini at the head of Everyone wants to take its placethe animator always makes the beautiful days of France 2 with the timeless Do not forget the lyrics and some bonuses Taratata. However, time passes and the companion of Mélanie Page is aware of it. This is why, this Friday, October 28, he mentioned his retirement which will happen one day or another.

“You said in an interview, ‘One day, you have to know how to leave your place, you mustn’t become a has-been.’ Last year you stopped Everybody wants to take his place. How do you see the rest? Can the radio, for example, continue ad vitam aeternam?”first asked Laurent Valière on France Info before the one who called for help put an end to the suspense immediately: Certainly not ad vitam aeternam, no, no!”

As long as the public likes it

And if Nagui does not want to continue “ad vitam aeternam” it is also because he would find that “unfortunate, first for the listeners, and then unhappy for those who have the appetite and who have the energy and the ideas in any case to propose programs”. The host explains that he will continue his career “as long as the pleasure is there – and the pleasure, as in a couple, must be on both sides – as long as there is this freshness, I will continue”. And for him, out of the question to follow in the footsteps of Michel Drucker.

“But if you want me to say that one day I will be sitting on a sofa with a dog next to me, I will answer you right away, it will be ‘no’”he assured with a touch of humor before continuing: And I can even tell you, I kind of have the idea of ​​the date – I won’t give it to you. But I kinda have the idea of ​​the date, because there is a moment, first”. A retirement that he already mentioned in 2021 when he was invited on South Radio. At the time, Nagui held the same speech and ensured that at “first sign of disenchantment of the public, it is obvious that it is necessary to stop”.

See also: “Mine is bigger than yours”: The production of “Don’t forget the lyrics” embarrasses Nagui!


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