Nagui follower of the conspiracy theory? This strange statement about the pharmaceutical industry in “Remember the lyrics”

Since the emergence of social networks, conspirators are more and more numerous. Indeed, Facebook, Twitter, and others, are perfect media for circulating false information or promoting ideas of a conspiracy, led by the New World Order, which controls us. So much so that many people question everything. Whether it is the vaccine against Covid-19, the presidential election, or even September 11, 2001 to name but these events. And Nagui seems to be one of the conspirators.

In any case, this is the idea that viewers of France 2 could have on Tuesday April 19 in Do not forget the lyrics. The famous presenter had fun commenting on the concept of Murphy’s law with his maestro Kristofer who interpreted the title of the same name by Angèle. But the concept of this law was created by Edward A. Murphy Jr.. The latter ensuring that “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”.

Nagui, follower of the conspiracy theory?

This is why Nagui began the demonstration of this law by taking queues as an example. “When there are two lines and one goes faster, we change lanes. The one that was going faster stops and the one who was behind us in the next line goes in front”started the animator before giving another example: “The toast, if it falls, it will always fall on the butter side”.

But it was not without counting on the culture and the arguments of the maestro of Do not forget the lyrics. “The USB key is never on the right side”he replied to Nagui before he let go:“When you open a box of medicine, it’s always on the side where there are instructions for use, we agree. They are strong. They know that we are going to change sides”. “It’s a conspiracy”he finally concluded in a humorous tone.

See also: Nagui at the center of false rumors!


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