Nagorno-Karabakh: the exodus continues, the enclave is emptying of its inhabitants


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1 minute


Nagorno-Karabakh continues to be emptied of its inhabitants. Of the 120,000 Armenians who populate this enclave of Azerbaijan, more than 100,000 have already fled to neighboring Armenia. A UN emergency mission is expected on site during the weekend of September 30.

The road that comes from Azerbaijan, the one that connects the Armenian enclave of Karabakh to Armenia, is empty, Saturday September 30. The very last cars are arriving. The flow stopped within a few hours, as recounted a doctor who has been helping refugees for six days. She also has information on those who remained in the Armenian enclave. “Old people refuse to come and give their places to younger people in the cars”she reports.

Armenians leave to their families or are relocated

He would stay at Karabakh a few hundred Armenians, perhaps less. In the first Armenian town after the border, Gorisbuses are present. The drivers comfort the refugees. Here, Armenians do not stay, they go to their families or are relocated by the government. For the Armenians of Karabakhthe exodus was therefore completed. “It is spectacular to see how, in six days, a population movement could take place”comments Agnès Vahramiansent special to Goris.

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