Nagorno-Karabakh: Armenians flee the region


Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – A. Vahramian, S. Yassine, M. Panossian, V. Ter Minassian

France Televisions

Thousands of Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh are fleeing the region and taking the road to Goris, a town located on the border with Armenia. In the processions, many do not consider going back.

According to the Armenians, Goris (Armenia)50,000 people passed through a street in three days, Wednesday September 27. A whole life is hanging balanced on the roof of cars. On a bus, around twenty children, their mothers and grandmothers. Food is given on the fly. A week ago, the Azerbaijanis launched an assault on the Nagorno-Karabakh, populated by Armenians.Cars arrive all the time. No Armenian will stay there, we are afraid“, assures a man.

“Get out of there, otherwise we destroy everything”

They are assassins. It’s not possible to live with them“, testifies a woman. Residents fleeing say the Azeri army surrounded their village, there was some fighting and the Armenians surrendered, then were driven out.When the fighting stopped, the Azeris told us ‘get out of there, otherwise we will destroy everything’. We gathered and left.”indicates a man.

Entire villages were emptied of their Armenian inhabitants. Behind them, these Armenians left not only their property, but also their memory. On the road, none of them talk about returning to Karabakh.

HAS. VahramianS. Yassine, M. PanossianV.Ter Minassian

source site-29