Nagasaki commemorations boycotted after Israeli ambassador not invited

The 79th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki is causing controversy. Israeli ambassador Gilad Cohen was not invited. His non-invitation is in addition to those of the Russian and Belarusian delegations, banned since 2022. A decision criticized by many Western countries.


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Commemoration of the 79th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, August 9, 2024. (JAPAN POOL / JIJI PRESS)

The decision of the mayor of Nagasaki not to send an invitation to the Israeli ambassador to Japan was taken very badly not only by the latter, who protested, but also by the United States, France, Germany and several other countries whose ambassadors boycotted the commemorations. The French embassy in Tokyo justified this concerted decision, explaining that it is regrettable that Nagasaki treats Israel, which is defending itself, and Russia, which invaded Ukraine, on the same level.

“It is absolutely not for political reasons that we have decided not to invite the Israeli ambassador, but out of concern that the ceremony takes place smoothly, in an atmosphere of peace and solemnity.”defends the mayor of Nagasaki, Shiroo Suzuki.

The Japanese government spokesman prefers not to get involved in the controversy. “It is not the government’s responsibility to comment on whether diplomats will participate or not, nor on the reasons given,” he said.

“It is the Nagasaki Municipality, the organizer of the commemorations, which decides who it invites.”

Japanese government spokesman

Most of the Western ambassadors who decided to boycott the Nagasaki ceremony attended a prayer and remembrance ceremony held at a Buddhist temple in Tokyo. The Japanese public, however, is divided on the issue. Many say they are horrified by the Israeli strikes in Gaza and the number of victims.

source site-29