Nadège Lacroix has joyfully announced the birth of her first child, a son named Elyo Roméo Lacroix. Despite a challenging delivery that required a cesarean section and significant blood loss, both mother and baby are healthy. In her Instagram posts, she shared her excitement and the difficulties she faced during childbirth. To protect her son from impersonation, she created an Instagram account for him, addressing critics who questioned the move.
Nadège Lacroix Welcomes Her First Child
After what felt like an eternity of anticipation, Nadège Lacroix joyfully revealed the arrival of her first child, a baby boy. In a heartfelt message on her Instagram story, she shared, “Friends, here I am, I’m back. I didn’t post yesterday because I was a bit busy. But everything is good.” She continued, “Everything is fine, it’s cool. Although nothing went according to plan, that’s okay—baby is healthy, and mom is doing well, albeit very tired. The delivery was far from easy, but I’m here, regaining my strength.”
Introducing Elyo Roméo Lacroix
The day after this exciting news, the proud mother returned to Instagram to share a glimpse of her son and unveil his unique name. “I arrived on 26.11.2024, to my mom’s greatest delight. My name is Elyo Roméo Lacroix. I measured 51 cm and weighed 3kg510. We’re taking a little rest but sending you all kisses,” she posted on the social media platform. It didn’t take long for fellow reality TV stars like Aurélie Dotremont, Beverly, and Sarah Lopez to extend their congratulations.
A week after welcoming her little one, Nadège Lacroix opened up about her challenging delivery on Sam Zirah’s show. “I received incredible support from the medical team. They were fantastic, but I lost a significant amount of blood. I was on the brink. A transfusion wasn’t necessary, but it was close. I went through a truly harrowing experience,” she candidly shared.
Despite her hopes for a natural birth, Nadège ultimately had to undergo a cesarean section. “I’m still recovering from the ordeal. It’s strange; I envisioned a very natural experience, something akin to a forest setting with midwives and doulas, but it turned into a scenario reminiscent of a medical drama. You hear them opening your belly,” she recounted. “Suddenly, you find yourself alone. You’re no longer pregnant, and your baby isn’t next to you. You wait alone for hours as they stitch you up. After nearly 30 hours of labor, the emotional toll is immense.”
In a move common among reality TV personalities, Nadège quickly created an Instagram account for her newborn son. This decision sparked some criticism from followers who questioned the necessity of such an account. In response to her critics, the former contestant of Secret Story clarified, “To those who don’t understand why my son already has an Instagram account, it’s because there are already fake accounts out there. It’s not nice to make fakes about my child. I will be reporting them.”