Nadège Lacroix (Les Cinquante): Her ex Nicolas from Secret Story has completely rebuilt her life with a Miss

Nadège Lacroix is ​​back in a reality TV show called The Fifty. In this new W9 game, she is in competition with forty-nine other candidates, including Amélie Neten, Mélanie Dedigama or Aurélie Dotremont. If Julien Bert, also in the cast, met four of his exes in the adventure as you can discover in via our video located in our slideshow, this was not the case for the winner of Secret Story 6 (2012). No traces of Nicholas in particular who shared his life for nine months, in 2015. Since then, the young man has found great love.

The former inhabitant of the House of Secrets who pinched for Coralie Porrovecchio is indeed happy in love since for nearly six yearsIt is in a relationship with a young woman named Marine Zielkowski. On her Instagram account, she describes herself as a model and influencer. She also clarified that she had been elected Miss Prestige Lorraine in 2012. She was 19 years old at the time and was studying applied foreign languages ​​at the University of Metz. “I would like to work in an international bank, have responsibilities, the possibility of traveling and meeting people“, she had explained.

We do not know how Nicolas and Marine met but what is certain is that they have a great project together. On February 5, the former reality TV candidate asked for his beautiful engagement. Great news announced by Marine the next day with a photo of her beautiful ring. “I said yes“, she said in the caption.

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