Nabilla reveals her look as a mother of two children on vacation… her shoes are not unanimous!

Nabilla is now a true fashion icon. However, the looks of the young woman are not always unanimous. Lately, the wife of Thomas Vergara was also the target of criticism. Dressed in a swimsuit with military motifs and a beige suit jacket, she also wore the famous pair of Yeezy, an Adidas creation in collaboration with Kanye West. ” Holiday mode activated. After giving birth, a month of intense and incredible filming with @primevideofr a few diapers, I allow myself some rest and a family vacation, what a treat. It’s not always easy, we take our new brands at 4 and it’s priceless, it’s just happiness “, wrote the mother of Milann and Leyann on his account Instagram.

“On the other hand the shoes not possible”

A post that did not fail to react to its community. If some applauded the fashion tastes of the pretty brunette, others, on the contrary, immediately pointed out her choice of shoes… “ On the other hand, shoes are not possible”, “It is not because they are expensive that they are necessarily beautiful, if they were not from the brand, she would not wear them. Fashion today is scary…”, “These shoes are not possible”, “Model posing in fangs… Nabilla, you make me laugh too much”, “Oh no… Shoes “, could we read under the post of the influencer.

Moreover, these shoes were not the only ones to react. Indeed, many Internet users also accuse the former reality TV candidate of abusing Photoshop and advocating naturalness without accepting her own words. “The girl is an avatar so much she retouches her face. The ‘natural’ return to basics is a long way off”, wrote a visibly angry user of the Instagram application. Happier than ever, Nabilla prefers to ignore criticism and focus on her stay in Antalya, Turkey, where she enjoys her small family.


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