Nabilla ready to give up social networks: “You do not see everything …”

Her daily life as a mother and businesswoman, her romance with her husband Thomas Vergara, their son Milann (2 years old), their family life in Dubai, their marriage, their parents … Nabilla shows everything on social networks and does not hide anything from his fans. The 29-year-old influencer reveals a little more about her more private life, in the documentary series Nabilla without filter available on the Amazon Prime Video platform from November 26. The former reality TV contestant, who is touring the media to promote the film, said she could distance herself and withdraw from social media within a few years.

Invited in Day-to-day, the founder of Nabilla Beauty told Yann Barthès: “You don’t see everything, every day. I don’t show my whole life on social media. But maybe one day I will be fed up and disappear. Who knows?”.

“Can you consider that?”, then asks the presenter. “Of course, when I really think I don’t like what I’m doing anymore. I could already go now but I still enjoy sharing with people … The day I’m fed up, I will disconnect and then I will disappear! “, said Nabilla Benattia-Vergara.

Followed by millions of people on social networks, Nabilla communicates with her subscribers daily via Snapchat and Instagram. A habit that makes it difficult for her today to take her foot off the screens to take a little break or a moment of relaxation with her family.

“The three of us really meet up when I turn off my phone, once a week. It’s often Sunday. I try to last 24 hours but it’s usually half a day. My phone is my working tool “, she said, apparently addicted to social media. A very meager leave therefore …

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