Nabilla pregnant, she reveals the number of kilos she took: the star in the “most complicated” period

Nabilla will have managed to keep the secret for a while! It was not until the beginning of February that she indeed confirmed her second pregnancy, after months of suspicion. Since then, the pretty 30-year-old brunette no longer hesitates to share images of her baby bump growing. It must be said that this is more and more difficult to camouflage as the term approaches.

Today, I’m officially at 25 weeks and 5 days so it’s progressing very very well, I’ll have about 3 months to go“, she confided on Wednesday February 23, 2022 on Snapchat from Thailand where she is on vacation. Nabilla is therefore entering her very last trimester, “the most complicated” according to her as she was able to realize when she was pregnant with her eldest son Milann (2019). Nabilla thus fears “swell all over“During this period. A confidence that allowed her to reveal the number of kilos she had already taken. “I’m already over 14 kilos so here goes…“, she announced, yearning to end it. “I feel like I’ve been pregnant for 3 years, I can’t take it anymore but after when you have the baby, you forget everything, the pounds, the fatigue etc… it’s forgotten in a snap finger“, she relativizes despite everything.

Although her body is subject to changes, Nabilla is especially delighted to enlarge her beautiful family and to have a peaceful pregnancy. “It’s going pretty well, I’m lucky to have a cool pregnancy, I can travel, I can move, the collar is well closed, everything is fine. I’m super happy after that, I’m in a hurry to have the baby in my arms, to see him, to know the sex too I’m not going to lie to you but here you have to be a little patient“, she expressed on her networks.

Because yes, Nabilla and her husband Thomas Vergara have for the moment decided to not knowing the sex of their baby. This will not prevent them from preparing everything for his arrival. “When I get home, I’m going to look at the bedroom, we have to organize ourselves on a lot of things“, she already has in mind.

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