Nabilla pregnant and at worst: significant weight gain, anxiety attacks … her complicated end of pregnancy

The day of the meeting is fast approaching. In four short weeks now, Nabilla and Thomas Vergara should welcome their second child, two and a half years after the birth of their eldest, Milann. And if the excitement grew, it is above all the impatience that is eating away at Nabilla today.

Indeed, as she confided on Snapchat Wednesday May 4, 2022, the 30-year-old brunette simply can’t take it anymore! “I am coming to the end of my pregnancy and it is very complicated for me. I hurt all over, I don’t feel very well, I’m starting to brood… “, she explained. Nabilla is probably especially very affected by her significant weight gain, which causes her to be exhausted almost at any time. “I still gained 20 kilos. So that’s a bit much. I find it difficult to move, I am very quickly out of breath, as if I had run a marathon. And then, I’m a bit pissed off. I want to meet my baby, to continue my life, to play with my son, to find my energy“, she continued.

His anxiety attacks on the life of four

To make matters worse, Nabilla is very worried about starting a new family life for four. “I have anxiety attacks, I wonder how I’m going to get out of it, how I’m going to manage. There are too many things that I apprehend. The meeting between Milann and his sister or brother, how will my life as a couple go…“, she asks herself constantly.

Thus, it is quite possible that this second child, whose sex we still do not know, is his last. “I just turned 30, I’m going to have my two children and that’s it. Maybe in 4 years, I would like a third one, but now I need a break. My son at just two, I got pregnant again, it means a lot to me. Barely time to recover and take its marks that another baby arrives. It’s a bit of a panic. Two children! He or she is not here yet but I think I will cry for sure. I’m prepared for it“, she announced to her community.

The influencer with millions of subscribers is nevertheless delighted to have “a person who supports (her) daily because it’s complicated“, namely her husband Thomas Vergara of course.

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