Nabilla married to Thomas: their fairy tale turned into a nightmare

It was without a doubt one of the biggest events of the year. After months and months of preparation in the greatest secrecy, Nabilla and Thomas Vergara said “yes” for the second time on July 6, 2021, two years after their first wedding on the sly in London. For the occasion, the parents of Milann (2 years old) organized a ceremony worthy of the greatest royal events by reserving the Chantilly castle in the Oise. In this jewel of French heritage, they invited a good hundred people, including Bilal Hassani, Wejdene, Iris Mittenaere and footballers.

Nabilla left nothing to chance to make this day perfect, starting with her arrival in a princess carriage, dressed in a magnificent white mermaid cut dress brightened up with feathers. A chic creation imagined by Jean-Paul Gaultier. Her husband Thomas Vergara was dressed in a white suit, matching that of their son Milann. Nabilla also made it a point of honor for her father Khoutir to accompany her to the altar, a father who has been absent for a long time in her life and on whom she relied a lot for this great day. In short, it is with stars in their eyes that the couple ended up returning to their apartments after a big party that lasted until the early hours of the morning …

Tears after joy

Unfortunately, they had the bad surprise to discover that, during their evening, they had burglarized. Their wedding gifts but also their personal belongings were stolen and the damage was estimated at around 170,000 euros.

We are a little shocked. What you should know is that there are connecting rooms here. When we celebrated the wedding, our son slept next door. It scared us a little bit because we said to ourselves that they could have come back and maybe hurt her“, she had declared afterwards in tears. An investigation was immediately opened and, thanks to surveillance cameras, the police managed to arrest two suspects in September. What to put this case behind them although the lovers are still traumatized.

As a result, Nabilla now has a very special condition when she sleeps in a hotel. “I always demand to be on the top floor. And I also strengthened my security service“, she confided to the Parisian five months after the fact. Despite everything, Nabilla wishes to retain only the good memories. “When we fall, always get up, don’t stay in our sadness“, she relativizes in her docu-reality Nabilla without filter.

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