Nabilla confides in her complicated pregnancy: “I can’t take it anymore, I’m fed up!”

Impatient to become a mother for the second time, Nabilla confided to being particularly exhausted during this second pregnancy. Very sincere as usual, the mother of Milann (2 years old) revealed the various symptoms she felt on March 26, 2022. On Snapchat, she confides: “It’s hard, I have acidities, I didn’t sleep last night, the baby moves a lot, I have migraines, that’s it. I don’t have a lot of energy, I’m very tired, I get exhausted quickly, I sleep at 8 p.m., it’s not fun. It’s not madness madness right now in my life except that I’m very happy with my little family

I just want my baby!

Filled by her husband Thomas Vergara and her son Milann, the young mother admits that being pregnant in Dubai can sometimes be very difficult to live with: “It’s only happiness but I can’t wait, I can’t take it anymore. Besides, it’s 40 degrees, I don’t want to go to a restaurant anymore because I can’t stay two hours at a restaurant, my back hurts (…) I’m sick of it !” she explained before adding: “I don’t care, I just want my baby!

In addition, the pretty brunette of 30 years (who does not wish to know the sex of her baby) clarified that she now knew the date of her delivery. “I already know the date of my delivery at the very beginning of June. (…) At the end of the month I will have two months left“, she clarified, indicating that she had made the decision to perform a cesarean section for her second delivery. “I chose to redo a caesarean section. The first time it was not wanted it was an emergency cesarean in the end it went so well! (…) So I made the decision to redo a caesarean section in the same place“, she clarified to her subscribers.

I’m terrified

As a reminder, the former reality TV candidate had given birth to her first child in October 2019. At the time, she had already confided in her fears about childbirth that she feared to be painful. “For people who ask me if I’m afraid to give birth… Well yes! I’m terrified of this idea, I have nightmares about it at night. I’m too afraid. I try not to think about it. I know it’s coming, but I don’t want to think about it, I haven’t read anything about it. For me, the baby will magically come out as soon as it’s ready“, she confided in July 2019, a few months before the birth of her son.

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