Nabilla Benattia pregnant and with +20kg: more disabled on a daily basis, she gives herself up without a filter

Nabilla Benattia shares everything, or almost, with her subscribers. Since she formalized her second pregnancy last February, the wife of Thomas Vergara likes to share the joys and sorrows of this happy event. And on April 10, 2022, it was her fed up that she wanted to express.

Yesterday, Thomas Vergara was in a teasing mood. When Nabilla Benattia asked him if he could love her natural, the charming 35-year-old brunette replied laughing that it had been a while since she was not getting ready. “Who wants to prepare? Look at me, look at the beautiful whale that I am. I’m heavy, I have back pain, I fall, I slip... You must love me as I am“, therefore replied the mother of Milann (2 years).

It was then alone that the 30-year-old brunette spoke again in order to provide a brief update on the situation. She first explained that she doesn’t really want to dress well anymore, especially since she doesn’t fit in a lot of her clothes anymore: “I gained serious weight. I took almost, even if it does not show I know, 20 pounds. It’s not my usual weight so obviously, I can’t jump around anymore like when I weighed 56 kilos. I can no longer move very quickly, I am quickly out of breath. Therefore I’m too fed up.

Her pregnancy ailments

Nabilla’s hormones also play tricks on her. Suddenly she is tired and therefore upset and not well, another she sees life in pink. A situation “very hard to manage”. She tries to put things into perspective by telling herself that in eight weeks, she will be holding her little girl or her little boy in her arms. “I can not wait. I’m still getting ready a bit but I can’t wear heels anymore because my feet are swollen. Most of my clothes I don’t fit anymore“, she continued. The young woman also regrets not being able to play as before with her son Milann, because he is too active for her at the moment.

I also have nausea from time to time, I have a lot of deficiencies so I have a lot of pills and supplements to take every day. I had bad test results. Everything is low. However, I eat very well. I have anemia like my first pregnancy so sometimes my head is spinning. Sometimes I bleed from my teeth. Around 3-4 am the baby moves a lot so it wakes me up. Then around 7 am I’m too hungry, I have to eat. It would take two days to tell you everything I have right now“, she concluded.

The next day, the news was hardly more encouraging since upon waking up, Nabilla Benattia was the victim of discomfort. She is therefore currently hospitalized in order to do some tests and infusions, in particular of iron, because of her anemia.

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