Nabilla and Thomas Vergara victims of organized crime? Thousands of euros would have been at stake

Nabilla Benattia is talking about her again in the magazine Public (edition of January 7, 2022). But this time, it is not the rumors of a second pregnancy that are raised. According to the information of our colleagues, the wife of Thomas Vergara would have dealt with figures of French organized crime.

The facts would have taken place a year before the famous stabbing case. In 2013, Nabilla Benattia is in Miami as part of the filming of the reality TV show Angels. Season during which she met the one with whom she had Milann (2 years old) and where she delivered her famous “No but hello, whatBut that would also be the season in which she would have insulted a passerby before fighting with her. According to some sources, the 29-year-old brunette was “strongly alcoholic“at the time of the facts tells the magazine. victim allegedly let him know that she was part of the Hornec family, whose three brothers Marc (aka ‘the fairground’), Mario (aka Eddy Mitchell) and Jean-Claude (aka ‘Loune’) are known for acts of organized crime. They range from attacking vans to extortion.

According to the statements of Nabilla and Thomas in the press, the case was quickly settled. “I am not afraid. Neither from her, nor from the Trucmuche brothers that she cites. I don’t know who it is, but it reminds me of voodoo wizards. I haven’t heard from them either“, had explained the young woman to Close in August 2013. For his part, his dear and tender had confided to Public at the time: “Nabilla took the initiative to call the Hornec brothers to clear things up. It went really well, because the girl is not their family actually. The girl wanted to be lathered. Suddenly the game calmed down. We even have to go have a drink together when we get back.

However, according to a judicial source who would have followed the case, it would have happened otherwise. “They came to her at the time in Paris. They told her that they did not like at all that she used their name and said that she knew them“, she confided. A story told in the investigation The last lords of Paris. Their authors Michel Mary, Frédéric Ploquin evoke a “middle ground“concerning a”Disneyland trip for the whole family. A version confirmed by a source at Public. She specifies that a “twenty people close to the Hornecs would have spent a weekend in luxury hotels in the park, for a sum of several thousand euros. For the time being, Nabilla and Thomas have not spoken.

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