She attracts attention in the aisles of the Salon de l’Agriculture in Paris: Nabila is a Mayenne cow and with her name, which refers to Nabilla, a reality TV star, she makes many visitors smile. Unlike her namesake who is brunette, Nabila is a Blonde d’Aquitaineraised in Bourgneuf-la-Forêt.
“Hello, do you have any shampoo?”
Jamal immediately noticed the original name of this Mayenne cow. “The cow is also a star, that’s why we called her Nabila“, smiles this farmer, originally from Mayotte. This name also makes Hassane laugh. “It’s a little nod to Nabila with the famous sentence”, he begins. By his side, his wife Khadija continues: “Hello, you’re a girl and you don’t have shampoo?“, she imitates.
Indeed, the real Nabilla had made the buzz with this sentence in the show Les Anges de la téléréalité. “Hello, no, but hello what? You are a girl and you do not own any shampoo ?“, she had launched in 2013 before being taken up on social networks.
– Maïwenn Bordon
Elena walks with her aunt and she too has the reference of the name Nabila.”I said to my aunt: Do we ask her if she has shampoo for the little joke?“, she recalls, laughing. This name was found by the Mayenne breeder, Bernard Linay. It was the year of the N and he thought that his Blonde d’Aquitaine was going to make an impression. “We often have thoughts, especially during the competitions, the speakers or the speakers often stop on this name there”, says the farmer from Bourgneuf-la-Forêt.
I hope that the real Nabilla would still have the humor to understand my joke.
Bernard Linay, breeder of the Nabila cow
Nabila, the cow, will be present at the Salon de l’agriculture with the Blondes d’Aquitaine until Sunday 6 March.