(Ottawa) Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino and Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair both upheld their confidence in RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki on Wednesday amid allegations of political interference. emerged in the 2020 Nova Scotia shooting investigation.
Posted at 4:43 p.m.
Mr. Blair was Minister of Public Safety at the time of the shooting that terrorized Nova Scotia residents and killed 22 people in 1 p.m. on April 18 and 19, 2020.
In a report published Tuesday by the public inquiry into the tragedy, we find the notes of a superintendent of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).

Photo PATRICK DOYLE, The Canadian Press
Federal Minister of Public Security Marco Mendicino
This officer alleges that RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki claimed in a meeting that she had promised Mr Blair and the Prime Minister’s Office that information about the weapons used by the shooter would be made public, because this information had to do with a gun control bill.
The same report quotes an RCMP communications director as saying that Minister Blair and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “intervened in what we could and could not say” during federal policing press briefings.
Mr Blair categorically denied that Commissioner Lucki had promised to disclose the type of weapons used, or that he had asked her for this information. He added that he also did not tell anyone what the RCMP should disclose from their investigation.
“I’m telling you, and I’ll tell the superintendent if I spoke to him: I made no effort to pressure the RCMP to interfere in any way with their investigation,” he said. he declares. I gave no direction as to what information they should release. These are operational decisions of the RCMP, I respect that and I respected it” at the time.
Mr Blair, who is currently Minister for Civil Protection, adds that at a press conference the day after the killings, he and Mrme Lucki had mentioned that the federal police investigation must follow its course and that in the meantime, it would be inappropriate for the RCMP to release information on the weapons used.
Confidence maintained
Ministers Blair and Mendicino both maintained their confidence in Mrs.me Lucki at the head of the federal police.
“I think it’s important to say that it’s a very tough and demanding job to be an RCMP Commissioner, even on the easiest days,” said Mr. Mendicino. Certainly the worst mass shooting in the country’s history was probably one of the toughest days, not just for law enforcement, but for all Canadians. »
The Tories rejected the explanations given by Mr Blair and believed that Mrme Lucki was also expected to respond to allegations of political interference.
In a statement released Tuesday evening, Mr.me Lucki assures that she would “never take any action or decision that could compromise an investigation”. Briefings with the Minister of Public Safety are normal procedure and do not interfere with the independence of the RCMP, she said.
The Commissioner indicates that “several days after the shooting” she met with RCMP colleagues in Nova Scotia “to discuss a number of things […] including the circulation of information on the investigation to RCMP Headquarters and the communication of information to the public”.
“I regret the way I approached the meeting and I am sorry for the repercussions it had on those present,” she wrote. My need for information should have taken more into consideration the seriousness of the circumstances they were experiencing. I should have been more sensitive in my request. »
Instrumentalize the killing?
Interim Conservative Leader Candice Bergen has called it “disgusting” that Prime Minister Trudeau and his government are using the killings to advance their political agenda on gun control. She also said further investigation into the matter was warranted.

Photo Justin Tang, The Canadian Press
Acting Conservative Party Leader Candice Bergen
Minister Mendicino replied that this is precisely what the public inquiry commission is currently doing in Nova Scotia. “I think we absolutely have to continue to be completely candid with Canadians, which is why the Mass Casualty Commission has within its remit an independent means of looking at the circumstances surrounding all of this,” he said. .
The Conservatives requested that an emergency debate be held in the House on Wednesday, but their request was refused. Deputy Speaker Chris D’Entremont, who is an MP from Nova Scotia, explained that the request did not meet the conditions that warrant an emergency debate.
Conservative MPs now intend to press for the matter to be taken up by a committee.
New Democrat Leader Jagmeet Singh has also called for a full investigation into the allegations. “The RCMP must always serve the public interest, not the political interest of the government,” he argued.
“Mass killing should never be used for political purposes,” Singh said. The allegations before us are very disturbing. »