mysterious hepatitis affects young children


France 2

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A new form of hepatitis currently affects children often under the age of 10 in the United Kingdom. The journalist Maëlys Septembre provides details on the subject for the 8 Hours of France 2, Tuesday April 19.

In the United Kingdom, a mysterious hepatitis mainly affects young children. This new form worries the World Health Organization (WHO). “It is a disease of unknown origin which challenges the world’s health authorities, a form of hepatitis, an acute inflammation of the liver found in young Britons, often under the age of 10 years”, reports the journalist for France Télévisions London Maëlys Septembre for the 8 Hours of France 2, Tuesday April 19.

The latter further states that “74 cases have been identified in the UK“, and that no deaths have been recorded.”But several children have had to undergo a liver transplant as a result of this disease“, adds the journalist, who continues: “The WHO has launched research because for the moment, we know almost nothing about this new form of hepatitis, where it comes from, how it is transmitted, is it due to a virus, drugs or even foods that children would have ingested? So many questions that the health authorities will have to answer.

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