Myriam (Koh-lanta) pregnant with Thomas: reckless driving, the police intervene

Caught in the act! This Monday, March 28, 2022, Myriam came into contact with the police while she was in her car. The former candidate of Koh-Lanta, The secret weapons (2021) did not respect the rules of conduct by using his phone while driving.

In story Instagram, the pretty brunette posted an image of her being sanctioned by an agent (see our slideshow). After which, she explained on her Instagram account: “Many of you have asked me why I got arrested. Phone in hand… when I had bluetooth in the car.“Myriam revealed what happened next.”90 euros fine and three points less“, we learn. The adventurer is doing quite well after all by avoiding the accident on the road, she who is pregnant with Thomas, also revealed in Koh Lanta. She then did not seem too affected by this blow and continued her day with a smile.

Nothing could indeed taint the happiness of Myriam, who is about to pamper for the third time. Because if it will be the first child for Thomas, the English teacher has for her part had two children born from a previous relationship. All these little people now form a beautiful blended family.

Myriam and Thomas announced that they were expanding their tribe a few days ago on Instagram through an adorable photo where the mother is holding pink pajamas with the inscription “talker like mom“and his companion holds the same in black with the inscription”strong like dad“.”Let this new life at 5 begin. We are extremely proud and happy to announce that the family Koh Lanta will expand. When we say it’s a life-changing adventure, it’s not a joke. Thanks to my man, my buddy for being the person you are“, she said.

Remember that the two candidates fell in love with each other on the set of Koh Lanta but they have long denied being a couple. It was not until the end of 2021, after months of hiding, that they finally made it official. Thomas is now preparing to settle in Lyon where Myriam already lives.

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