Myriam Abel transformed: -20 kilos in 4 months, her phenomenal weight loss and without depriving herself

The winner of season 3 of New star (in 2005) is back in front of the cameras. Myriam Abel was Jordan De Luxe’s ​​guest on his show At Jordan’s, on C8. The opportunity to discuss his big weight loss.

Last spring, the former M6 candidate reappeared in the spotlight in the program The 10 shows we miss the most on C8 and had surprised internet users. Many people are convinced that she has resorted to cosmetic surgery a little too often. “Oh Myriam Abel, what did she do?! This face, what a pity!“, “No, but Myriam Abel unrecognizable! Stop surgery, it’s too much!“, had we been able to read in particular. But it is not this subject that she mentioned during her visit to At Jordan’s. Myriam Abel has indeed spoken of her weight.

The 41-year-old singer first admitted that she “did anything“power level before.”I was overweight. I weighed 70 kilos for 1m56. (…) I really had a very bad diet, and since I felt bad about myself, it was a comfort for me to eat.“, she said. Complexed, she therefore decided to regain control thanks to a food rebalancing. She followed a program that had worked well on a friend of hers. And very quickly, she saw the results . “I lost 20 pounds in four months. It’s not dangerous because I don’t deprive myself of anything. It’s not a diet, I’m not frustrated“, continued the one who today weighs 51 kilos and who is delighted to have found the”weight of [ses] 20 years“. Myriam Abel then very quickly clarified that she was not bulimic at the time.

Today, the artistsmells great” in her own skin. And she’s thrilled that her dietary rebalancing worked in which case she would have gone through cosmetic surgery.”The next step was liposuction.. There today, I am super happy and super proud to have lost all those pounds without going through liposuction.“, she concluded.

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