Myriam Abel addicted to the scalpel? The famous singer cash on her countless cosmetic surgery operations!

General alert! On February 15 and 22, 2023, M6 will certainly delight its viewers by broadcasting new numbers focused on the New star to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the famous show. Countless great figures of the program have also participated in the filming. Like Myriam Abel who won the third season in 2005.

The opportunity for the singer to return to her news with our colleagues from Here is. On the Web, his community likes to follow his daily life and his future projects. Unfortunately, Myriam Abel also often has to face criticism from her detractors. Recently, the artist has been talking about her because of her incredible physical transformation.

On January 25, for example, Internet users winced about a series of photos that she unveiled on the Web. The reason ? For them, the interpreter of “Like a shadow” was simply unrecognizable to the point of resembling his colleague Ophélie Winter or even Kylie Minogue. The height for the young woman! The wife of Roland Baron has indeed already made injections in the face and she assumes.

“I am a very balanced person…”

However, the interpreter of “Donne” assures that she has not retouched everything. Let her fans be reassured, the star knows perfectly well what she is doing: “I am a very balanced person, I am not someone in pain or hypersensitive. I am not unhappy in my life”. Out of the question for the latter to let herself be walked on: “I’m not going to say it’s fun [les critiques, NDLR], but I’m 42 and I assume to do injections, to love it, to take care of myself. I didn’t go on an operating table.”

For her, the attacks on her physique are unfair: “I’m honest, I would have said so. I like to do small injections to look good. And it’s true that today, people are shocked”. Unvarnished, Myriam Abel admitted having used hyaluronic acid on her face because she did not “more collagen”. Every year, the happy mother of three also touches up her lips, dark circles and cheekbones. “I have none at all and that has always been my frustration”, indicated Myriam Abel who does not regret this choice in the least!


to see also: Excluded video: Myriam Abel: “Aurélie is not an example or a model to follow”

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