Mylène Farmer delivers her emotion after the knife attack of her “friend” Salman Rushdie

His media interventions being extremely infrequent, they have the merit of attracting attention. Indeed, the usual discreet French singer is today, Sunday August 14, coming out of her reserve to express her deep emotion concerning the knife attack suffered by the American-British writer Salman Rushdie, this Friday 12 august. As a reminder, it was while the author was giving a lecture-lecture in Chautauqua, New York, that a 24-year-old young man jumped on him to stab him in the neck and ‘abdomen. The assailant is believed to be a fervent admirer of Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution who issued a fatwa against the author of the “Satanic Verses” in 1989. As of press time, Salman Rushdie remains hospitalized in serious condition, but he is no longer on life support, his literary agent said.
Mylène Farmer, who has known the writer for a very long time, wanted to show her deep friendship and her emotion, in the columns of the JDD: “Salman is a writer whom I love and who has touched me for many years, but today today, it is the man, the friend, of whom I am thinking. I send him all my tenderness.” A declaration of friendship which echoes previous remarks filled with praise: “Salman Rushdie is a very cheerful person in life. He is very funny. We have great laughs together. He is a charismatic person. He is a great writer.” In turn, through the press, the intellectual did not hesitate to reveal how much he appreciated the French author and composer, as this time for Vogue magazine in 1999, nine years after their first meeting in an art gallery in London: “Mylène is a friend. His texts, between melancholy and sensuality, suffering and abandonment, move me. His voice, half of this world, half from elsewhere, is astonishing, it is the voice of a fallen angel. Mylène is one of the most beautiful women I have ever met.” As the weekly points out, these two friends were so close that Salman even invited Mylène to his wedding with Indian actress Padma Lakshmi , in 2004. A union that will end three years later… but the friendship between the artist and the author seems unfailing.

See also: Ariana Grande: the images of her concert just before the attack


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